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Publications scientifiques

10. LaBrie R, Mahmoudi N, Tremblay L, Cherrier J, Tremblay J-E and Maranger R (2024). Prokaryotic communities across oceanic depths produce stable dissolved organic nitrogen, ESS Open Archive, doi: 10.22541/essoar.171742860.04412569/v1


9. Selden C*, LaBrie R*, Ganley L*, Crocker D, Peleg O, Perry D, Reich H, Sasaki M, Thibodeau P and Isanta-Navarro J (2024). Is our understanding of aquatic ecosystems sufficient to quantify ecologically-driven climate feedbacks? Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.17351


8. LaBrie R and Maranger R (2023). Predicting the presence of hypoxic hypolimnia in lakes at large spatial scales, Limnology and Oceanography, doi:10.1002/lno.12488


7. LaBrie R, Hupfer M and Lau M P (2023). Anaerobic duration predicts biogeochemical consequences of oxygen depletion in lakes. Limnology and Oceanography letter doi:10.1002/lol2.10324

6. LaBrie R, Péquin B, Fortin St-Gelais N, Yashayaev I, Cherrier J, Gélinas Y, Guillemette F, Podgorski D C, Spencer R G M, Tremblay L and Maranger R (2022). Deep ocean prokaryotes produce increasingly stable dissolved organic matter. Science Advances. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abn0035

5. Péquin B*, LaBrie R*, Fortin St-Gelais N, and Maranger R (2022). Bloom timing explains succession of protistan functional community structure. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.916093

4. Berggren M, Guillemette F, Bieroza M, Buffam I, Deininger A, Hawkes J A, Kothawala D N, LaBrie R, Lapierre J-F, Al-Kharusi E S, Pinheiro Dutra-Rulli M, Hensgens G, Younes H, Murphy K R and Wünsch U J (2022). Unified understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic controls of dissolved organic carbon reactivity in aquatic ecosystems. Ecology. doi:10.1002/ecy.3763

3. LaBrie R, Bélanger S, Benner R and Maranger R (2020). Spatial abundance distribution of prokaryotes is defined by their dissolved organic matter preferences. Limnology and Oceanography. doi:10.1002/lno.11624

2. LaBrie R, Lapierre JF and Maranger R (2020). Contrasting patterns of labile and semi-labile dissolved organic carbon from continental waters to the open ocean. JGR Biogeosciences. doi:10.1029/2019JG005300

1. Poisot T, LaBrie R, Larson E, Rahlin A and Simmons Benno I (2019). Data-based, synthesis-driven: Setting the agenda for computational ecology, Ideas in ecology and evolution 12:9–21. doi:10.24908/iee.2019.12.2.e


* Equal contribution

Présentation en conférence

28. LaBrie R. Plénière pour le prix Raymond L. Lindeman: Deep ocean microbial communities produce more stable dissolved organic matter through the succession of rare prokaryotes. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography—Adapting to a Changing World, Madison 2–7 juin    2024


27. LaBrie R, Mahmoudi N, Tremblay L, Cherrier J, Tremblay J-E et Maranger R. Microbial communities across oceanic depths produce stable dissolved organic nitrogen. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography—Adapting to a Changing World, Madison 2–7 juin        2024


26. LaBrie R. Microbial consumption of organic matter and its impact on aquatic ecosystems. ZeWaF seminars, TUBAF, 2023

25. LaBrie R, Hupfer M, and Lau M. Oxygen depletion in lakes’ hypolimnia: anoxic age is a new tool to predict anoxia’s biogeochemical consequences, International Society of Limnology—The next 100 years: sensing and safeguarding inland waters, Berlin 7–10 août 2022

24. Lau M, LaBrie R, Hupfer M and del Giorgio P. Towards a deeper understanding of hypolimnetic anoxia by integration of campaign-based and monitoring data, International Society of Limnology—The next 100 years: sensing and safeguarding inland waters, Berlin 7–10 août 2022

23. Speir S, Robison A, Aho K, Bertolet B, Ghosh A, Heffernan L, LaBrie R, Maher R, Ray N and Reis P. Biogeochemical controls on bacterial communities and gene diversity across US streams, Data Science and Open Science, Conference virtuelle, 28-29 juil 2022

22. Lau M, LaBrie R, Hupfer M and del Giorgio P. Anoxic age as a new tool to predict biogeochemical consequences of oxygen depletion in lakes, Biogeomon 2022–10th International symposium on ecosystem behavior, Estonie, 26–30 juin 2022

21. LaBrie R. Bridging environmental conditions, microbial community structure and ecosystem functioning across scales, Eco-DAS XIV, Symposium virtuel, 25–29 oct 2021

20. LaBrie R and Maranger R, Predicting the presence of a hypolimnetic zone and whether it is hypoxic at large spatial scales, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography—Aquatic Sciences for a Sustainable Future: Nurturing Cooperation, Conférence virtuelle 22–27 juin 2021

19. LaBrie R, Bélanger S, Benner R and Maranger R, Spatial abundance distribution of prokaryotes is defined by their dissolved organic matter preferences, Arctic Change, Conférence virtuelle, 7–10 déc 2020

18. LaBrie R, Bélanger S, Benner R and Maranger R, Spatial and temporal variability in dissolved organic matter composition in the Labrador Sea, GRIL, Orford, QC, 14–16 mars 2019

17. LaBrie R, Fortin St-Gelais N, Péquin B, Guillemette F, Podgorski D C, Tremblay L, Cherrier J, Spencer R and Maranger R, Mixing it down to the deep ocean enhances the production of stable organic matter, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography—Aquatic Science Meeting, Planet Water, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 23 fév–2 mars 2019

16. LaBrie R, Bélanger S, Benner R and Maranger R, Spatial and temporal variability in dissolved organic matter composition in the Labrador Sea, Arctic Net, Ottawa, ON, 10–14 déc 2018

15. Péquin B, Fortin St-Gelais N, LaBrie R and Maranger R. Bloom timing explains succession of protistan functional community structure. Arctic Net, Ottawa, ON, 10–14 déc 2018

14. LaBrie R, Mixing it down to the deep ocean enhances the production of stable organic matter, “Predicting the interactivity of dissolved organic matter across terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems” workshop participant, Lund, Suède, 20–23 nov 2018


13. LaBrie R, Lapierre JF and Maranger R, Contrasting patterns of labile and semi-labile organic carbon from continental waters to the open ocean, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, Aquatic Science Meeting, Water Connects, Victoria, BC, 10–15 juin 2018

12. LaBrie R, Péquin B, Fortin St-Gelais N, Guillemette F, Podgorski D C, Tremblay L, Gélinas Y and Maranger R, Est-ce que la profondeur de la convection hivernale de la mer du Labrador augmente l’efficacité de la pompe microbienne de carbone? GRIL, Orford, QC, 22–24 mars 2018

11. LaBrie R, From ecosystems to molecules, how do we perceive carbon lability? Séminaire en sciences biologiques de l’UQAM, janvier 2018

10. Péquin B, Fortin St-Gelais N, LaBrie R and Maranger R, Does the bloom timing explain succession of protistan functional community structure? UQAM Seminar Series, janvier 2018

9. LaBrie R, Péquin B, Fortin St-Gelais N, Guillemette F, Podgorski D C, Tremblay L, Gélinas Y and Maranger R. Deeper winter convection increases the efficiency of the microbial carbon pump in a sub-Arctic sea, Arctic Change, Quebec, QC, 6–10 déc 2017

8. LaBrie R, Péquin B, Fortin St-Gelais N, Guillemette F, Podgorski D C, Tremblay L, Gélinas Y and Maranger R. Does deeper winter convection increases the efficiency of the microbial carbon pump, VITALS, Halifax, NÉ, 4–7 nov 2017

7. Péquin B, Fortin St-Gelais N, LaBrie R and Maranger R, Bloom timing explains succession of protistan functional community structure, VITALS, Halifax, NÉ, 4–7 nov 2017
LaBrie R and Maranger R, A cross-system (re)analysis of labile dissolved organic carbon, Symposium du département des sciences biologiques, Montreal, QC, 22 mars 2017

6. LaBrie R and Maranger R, A cross-system (re)analysis of labile dissolved organic carbon, Symposium annuel du GRIL, Orford, QC, 16–18 mars 2017


5. Péquin B, LaBrie R and Maranger R, Protists community dynamics in Labrador Sea. GRIL, Orford, QC, 16–18 mars 2017

4. LaBrie R and Maranger R, Quantifying the oceanic labile dissolved organic carbon pool, a cross system meta-analysis, CCFFR-SCL, Montréal, QC, 5–8 jan 2017

3. LaBrie R and Maranger R, Organic carbon fluxes in the Labrador Sea, VITALS, Halifax, NÉ, 26–28 oct 2016

2. Botrel M, Goyette JO, LaBrie R, Loiselle A and Maranger R, From land to sea: aquatic biogeochemistry of nitrogen and carbon cycles, Symposium annuel du GRIL, Jouvence, QC, mars 2016

1. LaBrie R and Maranger R, Microbial carbon fluxes in the Labrador Sea, VITALS, Halifax, NÉ, 18–21 oct 2015

Bourses, prix et distinctions

Prix Raymond L. Lindeman de l'Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanogaphy
Bourse postdoctorale – Wares (McGill)    
Bourse postdoctorale – McGill Trottier Space Institute   
Bourse postdoctorale – Mitacs Accélération 
Bourse doctorale du Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FQRNT)

Richard LaBrie

Crée par Lise Millera Ferriz

Copyright 2023©- Richard LaBrie

Dernière modification: Juin 2023